Andrew Gilligan

Gridlock: the fall in oil prices, the rising number of Uber cabs and construction are causing more congestion

Andrew Gilligan: Only way to tackle air quality is to reduce traffic

Congestion — and pollution — is on the rise again and doing nothing about it is simply not an option

29 Mar 2016
Into space: members of the London Cycling Campaign want to make the streets safer for cyclists

Most people support the idea of a more cycling-friendly city

Public consultations prove that, despite the disruption road alterations cause, a majority welcome them

9 Nov 2015
Shifting the balance: Only 20 per cent of journeys in central London are made by private motor vehicle (Picture: PA)

Andrew Gilligan: This cycle lane can only be good for business

Only 20 per cent of all journeys in central London are now made by private motor vehicle. So why should the car still dominate central London’s streets?

23 Sept 2014
Protest: cyclists gathered in Elephant & Castle last week after a man was killed (Picture: Twitter/@StopKillingCycl)

Andrew Gilligan: Save cyclists by teaching road sense all round

Despite recent outcries, cycling in London is now much safer than it was 20 years ago. But we still need proper education for all road users

27 May 2014
Here come the girls: plans for safer routes are aimed at reducing testosterone levels on the capital’s roads
London Life

Andrew Gilligan: Why London needs more women cyclists … and fewer

London needs fewer testosterone-fuelled bikers and more careful female ones, says Andrew Gilligan, Boris’s man in charge of the capital’s cyclists

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