Civic Knowledge Project

Division of the Humanities | The University of Chicago

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Please consider making a gift to the Timuel D. Black Legacy Endowment Community Solidarity Scholar Fund to support a UChicago student carrying on the legacy of our South Side legend, the great historian, civil rights activist, and educator Timuel D. Black.

The Civic Knowledge Project

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by e-mailing us.

The Civic Knowledge Project (CKP), a program of the University of Chicago's Office of Civic Engagement, supports humanities-based educational programs connecting the University of Chicago to neighboring mid-South Side communities.

Mission Statement: The Civic Knowledge Project uses the humanities to develop and strengthen the University of Chicago's community connections, helping to foster civic friendship and overcome the social, economic, and racial divisions among the various knowledge communities on the South Side of Chicago. Believing that the free and reciprocal flow of humanities -based knowledge is empowering for all, we seek to "Let knowledge grow from more to more; and so be human life enriched."

Recent and Upcoming Events

The Civic Knowledge Project's community-oriented programs highlight the vital role of the humanities in public life and the role of civic friendship in building democratic community. Please check out these videos of some of our most memorable events-- the Prof. Timuel D. Black Bridges of Memory Distinguished Guest Lectures and Jazz Concerts:

The Life and Times of Timuel D. Black: A Centenary Symposium

For more about Prof. Timuel D. Black, our great South Side civil rights activist and historian, please visit our Media Page, our Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Initiative page, and the page devoted to the Timuel D. Black Edible Arts Garden. For more about the CKP's support for the Timuel D. Black Centenary Weekend, celebrating Prof. Black's 100th Birthday, please click here.

Please be sure to join us for the following exciting upcoming events:

Timuel D. Black: A Life of Jazz and Justice

Timuel D. Black: A Life of Jazz and Justice

Click here to download the PDF file.

Children together with a trophy

The Civic Knowledge Project gratefully acknowledges the generous support it has received from the Joyce Foundation, the Chicago Community Trust, and the Illinois Arts Council Agency. Universidad Católica de Ávila - Cheap Flights | Domestic & International | BudgetAir Australia Education | National Geographic Society Ajila : Nous protégeons votre cœur Nutaku | Best Porn Games and Sex Games Toyo Bunko - きららの日記~日々の出来事~ Nieman Journalism Lab Everest Yayınları Home - Monte Bianco