Have your say on who should win the AXA Startup Angel People’s Choice award

Vote on which new business idea you think should receive a runners-up prize in this year’s competition
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The AXA Startup Angel competition, from AXA Business Insurance in partnership with the Evening Standard, has been searching for new businesses to help launch, grow and empower.

In June, a shortlist of finalists was selected from the hundreds of entries sent in by budding entrepreneurs.

Picking this year’s most inspiring ideas are the AXA Startup Angels: Henry Firth and Ian Theasby (co-founders of vegan food brand BOSH!), Sharmadean Reid MBE (founder and CEO of The Stack World), and Raphael Sofoluke (founder and CEO of UK Black Business Week and UK Black Business Show).

The judging panel also includes the Evening Standard's senior business reporter Lucy Tobin, and AXA Business Insurance head of marketing Julie White. 

In addition to the judges’ choices, the decision as to who should win one of the four runners-up prizes is yours.

Vote now to have your say in which business should win a prize worth over £18,000 of media, mentoring and exposure. Each runner-up will receive a profile on their business in the Evening Standard, mentoring with a member of the Evening Standard team, plus VIP access to SME XPO 2025.

Read more about the businesses below.

BlackOwned Studios + Marketplace

BlackOwned Studios + Marketplace is a pioneering co-working space for Afro hairstylists and beauticians, marketplace of Black-owned beauty products and event space. Our one big idea is to create a dynamic, inclusive environment where authentic connections can be made.

Our multi-focus approach to community within the beauty industry provides completely flexible-use workspaces for stylists looking to grow their business without the pains of long-term rentals and rent-a-chair options.

By exclusively retailing Black-owned beauty products, we actively provide a space that not only supports the growth of our community but also amplifies the visibility and accessibility of Black beauty products.

And by adding the events element of our space, we aim to amplify the community aspect of Black beauty culture by providing a range of workshops, networking opportunities and social meets to bring together Manchester’s Black community.

Our target market consists of Afro hairstylists, beauticians, and beauty enthusiasts who seek high-quality, culturally-relevant beauty services, products and are looking to connect with like-minded individuals.

Positioned as a hub for creativity and community, our space addresses the significant lack of representation and support for Black beauty professionals in the industry while fostering an ecosystem that encourages growth, collaboration, and the celebration of Black beauty.
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Bluco tackles the challenge of attracting and hiring qualified deskless workers. Traditional recruiting methods are often cumbersome and not tailored to the unique needs of deskless workers, who may lack constant access to email or desktop computers.
Idea: Bluco streamlines the recruitment process for deskless workers by leveraging WhatsApp and conversational AI. This approach makes job applications more accessible and engaging for candidates comfortable with mobile communication.
Uniqueness: WhatsApp: Bluco uses WhatsApp for chat-based applications, making the process more intuitive and user-friendly for deskless workers compared to email and job portals. Automated Pre-qualification: Automated chatbots pre-qualify candidates, reducing recruiters’ effort while maintaining applicant quality.

AI Evaluation: Using our own NLP model, candidates are evaluated to the specific needs of companies, based on tailored, open-ended questions in the chat. Asynchronous Communication: WhatsApp enables asynchronous communication, benefiting deskless workers who may not respond immediately. Target Market and Positioning: Target Market: Companies employing many deskless workers, such as retail chains, hospitality businesses, logistics companies, and healthcare facilities.
Problem Solved:
Bluco provides a mobile-first, chat-based solution, making recruitment processes more efficient and accessible for deskless workers. This ensures companies can attract and hire qualified candidates more effectively, enhancing operational efficiency and employee satisfaction.
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“Classify” introduces the next generation of student progress-tracking software for primary schools, leveraging the recent developments in large language models. Teachers simply record themselves as they give verbal feedback in the classroom. The Classify algorithm sorts the reflections against tailored school development goals, and determines what level every child is performing at. Unique profiles are generated for every pupil, accounting for their academic and personal growth. Staff can also view high-level analyses by key-stage, subject or any other student group.

Current tracking softwares are not sufficient and schools are grappling with multiple subscriptions to meet their tracking needs. Teachers are forced to spend hours, manually determining what level each child is performing at for every rigid target. Platforms only allow tracking based on age-related expectations, leaving behind those with a different learning path or starting point. The consequences are stark: precious time spent on tedious tasks steals away from effective teaching; critical milestones lose their significance and emotional impact; and essential nuances in a student’s learning style and emotional well-being remain unseen and unaddressed.

Classify can have a universal impact: teachers save time, schools save money and every child gets a more meaningful education.
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Cribster (www.cribster.co.uk) is a platform designed to help students ‘Find Their Future Flatmates.’
As a student at the University of Bristol, I have first-hand experience with the stress and challenges of finding compatible flatmates. The student housing crisis exacerbates these issues, creating anxiety and leaving many students vulnerable to scams and harassment on existing platforms not tailored for students. According to BMC Public Health, flatmates can be the leading factor in overall student well-being.

Driven by my own struggles and those of my peers, I created Cribster to provide a safe, inclusive environment where users can create verified profiles using their university emails and fill them with key information, photos, and social media links. Students can filter the feed by budget, location, lifestyle, and hobbies and match and message others directly. By simplifying the process of finding flatmates, Cribster aims to help students better fill available housing stock and reduce the pressure of the housing crisis.

We launched a Google Forms MVP, where users entered their information, and I manually matched them into WhatsApp groups, receiving great reception. Cribster has won two funding competitions from the University of Bristol and received support from the SU lettings agency and Bristol Council.
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Discussing and planning for death is still considered taboo, leaving loved ones vulnerable to stress and financial hardship. Many people don’t think about what will happen when they or a loved one dies (52% UK adults don’t have a valid will). As a result, families face challenges - confusion about end-of-life arrangements made, family conflict and differing opinions about deceased’s wishes, and inappropriate distribution of assets to unintended beneficiaries.

Elifa plans to solve this problem through our secure digital platform in the form of a digital vault. We want to empower and encourage intentional planning to create social change, one family at a time.

Our digital vault ensures accessibility and simplifies the often-complex process of end-of-life planning. Individuals can plan, store important documents, record wishes and organise legacy plans, which can be shared with loved ones or our in-house solicitor at their discretion. Our target market is consumers aged 30+ and through B2B business model via financial and legal advisors, insurance, pensions and corporate businesses as they already have clients aligned to our objectives.

We will also provide access to end-of-life and legacy planning service providers through our platform (e.g. will writers, funeral directors and bereavement counsellors).
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Fundy Quiz

Fundy Quiz is a unique fundraising platform designed specifically to help raise donations for UK Charities in a fun and engaging way and provide a sustainable, ongoing source of funds. We launched in April 2024.
Charity quizzes are a very popular way to raise money, but are usually limited to a time and a place, thereby restricting the number of participants. Fundy Quiz removes those limitations by being available on smartphones from Monday to Sunday. People can make a donation and take part any time during the week.

We provide a 25 question, multichoice quiz that users download and play on their smartphone. Questions are timed; the quicker you answer the more points you get. There is a cash prize for the winner, and a prize draw for the other players. Coding within the app is designed to mitigate cheating.

There’s no financial commitment or investment from the charities other than a marketing involvement. After deducting the prize fund and the operational costs, each charity will receive between 52% to 70% of the donation.

With just 250 players and a donation amount of £5 each week, a charity would receive around £47,000 per year including Gift Aid.
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Give Your Best

The problem Give Your Best addresses is twofold: £140m worth of clothes end up in UK landfills annually, while 5.5 million people live in clothing poverty. Give Your Best bridges this gap with an innovative solution: the first digital platform where people, brands, and businesses can donate clothes online, allowing those in need to shop for free with dignity and choice, similar to a Vinted for donations.

Our target market includes brands and businesses that pay for our services to reduce fashion waste and achieve ESG goals, focusing on SDGs 1, 5, and 11. With new EU and UK policies on Extended Producer Responsibility, brands will be liable for managing the post-consumer stage. This creates a crucial opportunity for solutions like ours which achieve environmental and social impact, making the fashion industry more circular by redistributing clothes to those in need, both in the UK and internationally where the textile market turned over €162 billion in 2019 in the EU alone (expected to raise by 63% by 2030).

The traction we’ve gained, which includes several partners and support from Innovate UK, British Fashion Council and eBay in the last year, shows a strong appetite to grow impactful solutions like ours.
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30% of all ocean pollution is mobilised by surface water runoff. Every time it rains, debris of human activity is washed off of our impermeable built environment through roadside drains into water bodies. With toxicity comparable to sewage, runoff is a cocktail of vehicular and infrastructural wear with microplastics, hydrocarbons, heavy metals and is discharged into water bodies untreated. From London alone, 3 billion kilograms of contaminants were leached into our water bodies last year, genetically damaging aquatic ecosystems and entering the human food chain. Addressing the problem at scale has been expensive and disruptive, leaving a need for retrofittable interventions.

Our solution to urban runoff pollution is Guerrilla, a Patent-Pending retrofittable device for roadside drains. With water pollution an urgent issue, the global road runoff management market was valued at USD 27.75B in 2024. Guerrilla addresses this critical need and a gap in a growing market for sustainable water management offering a scalable, cost-effective and impactful solution. It is the only retrofittable device on the market that addresses the toxic micropollutants without requiring infrastructure overhaul or copious amounts of real estate for implementation saving water companies in treatment and flooding related costs.
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Kareola's Financial Freedom

In a world marked by economic challenges, rising costs of living, and increasing debts, it's crucial to equip the next generation with the skills they need to navigate these issues. At Kareola's Financial Freedom, we've introduced a groundbreaking approach to make finance enjoyable for children and parents by fostering confidence and competence with money as they grow older.

At Kareola's Financial Freedom, we believe in equipping the younger generation with essential financial skills.We are unique as only 20% of children recieve any financial literally before the age of 16. In the journey toward financial literacy, even the smallest seeds can grow into mighty trees. Plant the seed of financial knowledge in your mind or the minds of your loved ones and witness the transformative results.

Our revolutionary financial education flash cards program is designed to engage and empower young minds, turning financial literacy into an exciting adventure. By making finances fun, we aim to prepare children for a future where they can confidently manage their money and make informed financial decisions.

Join us on this journey to create a financially savvy next generation!
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Mat Zero Heat

Mat Zero is a safe and sustainable heating solution for refugees, disaster relief and areas of deprivation. We address the critical issue highlighted by the UNHCR: the tragic choice between heat and death faced by many in extreme circumstances.

We have created an innovative, comfortable mat which can be heated to up to 40°C, covering a 2m2 surface area providing warmth for the entire family. Compared to traditional heating solutions, Mat Zero provides a long-term, safe, healthy and zero CO2 emitting solution with a multi-year lifespan.

Traditional heating methods, such as burning natural timber or bottled gas/diesel, not only endangers lives but also contributes significantly to CO2 emissions. Mat Zero’s innovative approach addresses this challenge by offering a comprehensive solution utilising advanced materials, powered 100% by a solar-charged battery.

Our target markets are international disaster relief agencies and NGOs working with established refugee camps and our key target for 2024 is to have large scale field trials this winter.

To summarise, our mat delivers critical heating in extreme conditions while massively minimising environmental impact. Mat Zero saves lives AND the planet!

Embodying the ethos of ’Leave No One Behind’, Mat Zero will ensure safety, reliability and sustainability.
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3 million people resorted to a food bank in the past year. This number has increased by 120% in the past five years. The most alarming statistic of all: 89% of food banks believe they won’t be able to match the increased demand of their beneficiaries. A catastrophe is an understatement for the possible implications of this crisis. We need to solve this. As Meal2Deal, we will place smart machines in offices and hospitals in London with cheap, nutritious, and filling ready lunch meals for people to purchase. When the customer purchases a meal, the machine heats up the food with its built-in microwave, before providing the meal in under 40 seconds. 50% of our profits will support the establishment of Meal2Deal machines in underserved communities.

Through a partnership with the Trussell Trust, we will distribute Meal2Deal cards to eligible individuals in need. These cards will enable them to purchase one free meal a day. Our UVP lies within this business model. Unlike food banks, we are not reliant on donations, as we will have a stable cash flow. Furthermore, a healthy, filling, and fast source of lunch is a desire of every office employee; one that we will meet.
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Mude is an adaptive clothing brand specialising in undergarments designed for individuals who use medical devices like insulin pumps. Our innovative idea centres on creating stylish, functional undergarments that can be worn under any outfit, ensuring ease and discretion in medical device management. This unique approach blends essential functionality with fashion, allowing users to express themselves without compromise. Inspired by my best friend Weronika’s daily challenges with diabetes,

I’m motivated to make a tangible difference. These products, co-designed with end-users who have lived experience, ensure they meet real-world needs effectively. The adaptive clothing market is rapidly growing, expected to expand from $13.9 billion in 2022 to $19.1 billion by 2030, providing a significant opportunity. Mude differentiates itself by focusing on a niche yet expanding segment—insulin pump users—where competitors generally offer basic, functional solutions.

Our brand goes beyond clothing, aiming to foster a community that empowers users to share experiences and support each other, embedding inclusivity and understanding in everything we create. By incorporating feedback directly from our target market, we ensure our designs are not only practical but also desired by those they are meant to serve.
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At WasteProjekt, our big idea is simple yet transformative: turning waste into a solution, one plant pot at a time. Our commitment to tackling two major environmental challenges simultaneously sets us apart: plastic pollution and food waste. Our biodegradable plant pots, crafted from food waste, provide a safe alternative to traditional plastic pots and serve as a natural fertiliser as they break down in the soil. The plant and pot can be planted together in the soil, the pot will naturally biodegrade as the plant grows, resulting in zero waste. This unique approach addresses the issue of plastic waste in gardening and contributes to a circular economy by repurposing food waste as a valuable resource.

Our target market includes wholesalers, garden centres, and nurseries, where our products will be positioned as the future of sustainable gardening. Implementing our pots early in the supply chain shifts waste responsibility away from the consumer. We aim to solve the problem of plastic plant pot waste while promoting healthier plants and a greener planet. With the global market for sustainable gardening solutions on the rise, WasteProjekt is poised to significantly impact consumers and the environment by offering an innovative and eco-friendly solution.
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WeDonate is an exclusive closed-member rewards platform, built to support the NHS Blood & Transplant, dedicated to saving lives by incentivising and acknowledging blood and plasma donors.

Recently, there has been a staggering decline in the number of young donors, dropping by 50%. With 408,000 out of 798,000 regular donors being older than 45 years, there is an urgent call for younger individuals to step forward. Considering that the age limit for blood donations is 65, addressing this issue is paramount for sustainable blood reserves for generations to come.

Verified blood or plasma donors can access WeDonate. With each blood donation estimated to potentially save or improve up to three lives, our platform is dedicated to honouring the real heroes who selflessly contribute to this life-saving cause.

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Yeve is revolutionizing event planning and management with a user-friendly app that connects event organizers with professional personnel and equipment transparently. Our platform serves as a one-stop solution for seamless event coordination and execution.

Research indicates a staggering £138 billion spent annually on events, with £12 billion dedicated to live music and entertainment services, our primary market focus. Our MVP app has been successfully launched, tested, and garnered over 200 downloads, with bookings generating a net revenue of £20 each.

Unlike competitors such as alivenetwork.com and eventbrite.com, which operate as agencies with high charges, Yeve empowers both organizers and service providers with fair fees and a searchable database akin to Amazon. We prioritize leveling the playing field, expanding gig opportunities, and fostering the career growth of our partners.

Yeve not only streamlines event planning but also facilitates market research, vendor selection, and post-event evaluation. As we navigate the post-COVID-19 landscape, Yeve remains at the forefront of technological innovation in the event industry, driven by our core values of Passion, Authenticity, Safety, and Security.

Join us in shaping the future of events with Yeve, a platform committed to delivering unforgettable experiences efficiently and ethically.
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Voting for the AXA Startup Angel People’s Choice award ends at 23.59 on Sunday 7 July 2024. Read full terms of the AXA Startup Angel competition here

AXA Insurance UK plc is registered in England and Wales registered number 078950 and authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under Financial Services Register number 202312


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