Joe Biden has the mental faculties for presidency, US ambassador to London insists

Jane Hartley says she’s confident Americans will ‘make the right decision’ with Trump facing multiple charges
Joe Biden, Jane Hartley
Ambassador Jane Hartley greeting President Biden when he arrived at Stansted Airport in July 2023

US President Joe Biden’s ambassador to London has defended his mental faculties, stressing his experience and first-hand knowledge of other world leaders.

Interviewed on Sky News, Jane Hartley laughed it off when asked whether it was a concern that aged 81, Mr Biden is set to go up against a 77-year-old in Donald Trump this November.

“Well, one of them is the best candidate,” the former business executive and Democratic fundraiser said in the interview broadcast on Monday, despite polls showing widespread concern among US voters about the choice of two ageing and divisive figures on offer.

“I've known the president for many, many, many years. But all you have to do is look at his record and see where he has brought our country,” she added, citing falling unemployment and rising wage growth.

Asked if people should worry about Mr Biden’s cognitive ability, Ms Hartley said: “No. He has not only ability, but he has a sense of history. 

“I've been in meetings with him, with his staff… It is the president who’s saying ‘no, I know that leader. I know what he cares about. I know what might well work. I know what our strategy should be’. 

“Age can also bring you positives. It can bring you judgment, and it can bring you knowledge of people. I mean, Biden, the president, knows every world leader.”

The ambassador was also asked if she was worried that the Oval Office could effectively become a prison cell if Mr Trump wins the election but is convicted of a crime. He faces 91 charges in four separate cases.

“I can't go there. It is a hypothetical,” she said, while adding: “I do have confidence in my country, and I do have confidence in the American people. I think they'll make the right decision.”

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