Apache Flink®

Stateful Computations over Data Streams

Apache Flink is a framework and distributed processing engine for stateful computations over unbounded and bounded data streams. Flink has been designed to run in all common cluster environments, perform computations at in-memory speed and at any scale.

Flink Capabilities
Correctness guarantees

Exactly-once state consistency

Event-time processing

Sophisticated late data handling

Layered APIs

SQL on Stream & Batch Data

DataStream API & DataSet API

ProcessFunction (Time & State)

Operational focus

Flexible deployment

High-availability setup



Scale-out architecture

Support for very large state

Incremental Checkpoints


Low latency

High throughput

In-Memory computing

Use Cases
Event Driven Applications

An event-driven application is a stateful application that ingests events from one or more event streams and reacts to incoming events by triggering computations, state updates, or external actions.

Stream & Batch Analytics

Analytical jobs extract information and insight from raw data. Apache Flink supports traditional batch queries on bounded data sets and real-time, continuous queries from unbounded, live data streams.

Data Pipelines & ETL

Extract-transform-load (ETL) is a common approach to convert and move data between storage systems.

Recent Flink blogs
Apache Flink CDC 3.1.1 Release Announcement

June 18, 2024 - Qingsheng Ren.

The Apache Flink Community is pleased to announce the first bug fix release of the Flink CDC 3.1 series. The release contains fixes for several critical issues and improves compatibilities with Apache …

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Apache Flink 1.19.1 Release Announcement

June 14, 2024 - Hong.

The Apache Flink Community is pleased to announce the first bug fix release of the Flink 1.19 series. This release includes 44 bug fixes, vulnerability fixes, and minor improvements for Flink 1.19. …

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Apache Flink CDC 3.1.0 Release Announcement

May 17, 2024 - Qingsheng Ren.

The Apache Flink community is excited to announce the release of Flink CDC 3.1.0! This is the first release after the community accepted the donation of Flink CDC as a sub-project of Apache Flink, …

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