Monkeypatching for cleaner code

Recently, after reading Object on Rails, I started thinking and experimenting with various ideas of making Rails applications code cleaner. Here’s one of these ideas.

Let’s imagine we have two model classes, connected with a has-many/belongs-to relation, e.g.:

# file user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :posts, dependent: :destroy
  # ...
  # rest of the user stuff
  # ...
# file post.rb
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :author, class: "User"

The above code is probably how most of Rails programmers would go about implementing a “user has many posts/post belongs to its author” scenario. It’s the tutorials-approved way. But when you look at it from a architectonic point of view, you have just created a circular dependency.
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My Favorite Interview Question

Recently I have been doing some job interviews (as an interviewer, not a candidate). Although I hate being schematic and try to come up with new & interesting questions for every candidate, I always ask My Favorite Interview Question, which is:

What are the benefits of using Dependency Injection pattern?

The answer for that immediately tells me, whether the candidate has broader horizons or is just a doing-what-I’ve-been-told-to-do drone.

So, what’s a bad answer? Anything along the lines of “DI allows you to configure your dependencies and inject them by a framework.” Seriously, that’s an answer that I would come up with if I had not even the faintest idea what DI is, and I get it from developers who claim several years of experience, working with Enterprise Java and all that stuff.

Even worse: candidate mentions XML in the first sentence. I mean, what are they thinking? Is “using XML” among the benefits of Dependency Injection? (I would say it’s a cost, not a benefit, but let’s leave that for another rant.) My point is, DI and XML are concepts from totally different and unconnected levels.

When you use DI, you might want to have your dependencies automatically injected, for that you might want to use the Spring framework (if it’s a Java project), and then you might want to configure it with XML files. See how many steps it takes to connect DI and XML? On each step you could decide to use something else, so there’s a good chance that you end up with no XML at all. And yet, XML has been imprinted so deep in Java developers’ brains that you might hear “DI lets you configure your classes with XML.”

OK, so what qualifies as a good answer (at least according to me)? Anything from “DI improves testability because you can easily mock dependencies” to “DI enables loose coupling” to “DI enables flexibility” to “I don’t see any benefits of DI, therefore I don’t use it” even.

In fact, any answer in form of “I don’t see benefits of X, therefore I don’t use X” is better than “I use X because they told me to/everyone uses it/that’s how it was always done.” It shows that you made a conscious decision about using or not using X. Of course, I would still like to know why you don’t want improved testability or loose coupling. But at least this is something that can be further discussed.

And the best answer would be that you don’t use DI, DI just happens when your code is testable and loosely coupled. So, if you happen to be interviewed by me, you will be asked this question, too. Now you probably know what answer would satisfy me. And if you get the job, that would probably be the first case of someone benefiting from reading this blog :)

Hash bars – simple ASCII-art charts in your console, database or Excel

When you have some data like this:


it may be difficult to spot a trend in it. That’s why people use charts and other visualization tools and there’s a lot of them (you could use Excel, Google Charts, gnuplot, sparklines etc.).

However, sometimes it’s not possible or convenient to use any of this tools. In such cases, you can easily create a simple ASCII-art style chart. Doesn’t this look better?


It’s actually so embarrassingly obvious I would not bother posting about but in the last couple of days several people told me that they think it’s a great idea that they wish they knew earlier. So here it is.
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The endless cycle of code vs docs

Hereby I present to you a very first chart comic on this blog.

The endless cycle of code vs docs

Click picture for full-sized version

Nods and acknowledgements to The System Comic. I hope they don’t mind the stolen graphic. Any similarity to this particular comic is not quite unintentional.

WeekProgress — complete iPhone application source code available

While you weren’t watching I went and created a small iPhone app: WeekProgress. Don’t expect too much functionality (or sense!) there – it was born mainly for learning purposes. It features a main screen and 3 (three!) screens worth of settings.

Working week progress bar

Working week progress bar

On the main screen you’ll find a progress bar that tracks your way through the working week. It starts at 0% on Monday morning and goes to 100% on Friday afternoon. The settings allow you to select working days and change working hours, so you can adjust it to your schedule.

Changing working hours

Changing working hours

And it’s free! And it features insightful and funny comments! And it looks like a couple of folks already installed this! So what are you waiting for?

But there’s more: I’ve made the source code available! And it is a brilliant and beautiful source code (if there is such thing as beautiful Objective-C code). And it features unit tests! How cool is that?

Don’t force them, teach them

Working with a large Java legacy codebase lately, I spotted a couple of anti-patterns. Following are three of most annoying and ubiquitous ones.

Numberosus Constantitis

A lot of classes define these constants at the beginning:

private static final int NUMBER_3 = 3;
private static final int NUMBER_4 = 4;
private static final int NUMBER_5 = 5;
private static final int NUMBER_6 = 6;
private static final int NUMBER_7 = 7;
/* ... snip ... */
private static final int NUMBER_17 = 17;
private static final int NUMBER_18 = 18;

which are then used like this:

PreparedStatement ps = ....
ps.setString(NUMBER_4, dto.getUser());
ps.setString(NUMBER_5, dto.getRole());
ps.setString(NUMBER_6, dto.getReason1());
ps.setString(NUMBER_7, dto.getActivityType());
ps.setString(NUMBER_8, dto.getReason2());
ps.setString(NUMBER_9, dto.getActivityType());

or like this:

List<ReportXDetailDto>[] result = new ArrayList[NUMBER_OF_LOOPS];
result[0] = getRedRisk(criteria);
result[1] = getOrangeRisk(criteria);
result[2] = getYellowRisk(criteria);
result[NUMBER_3] = getBlueRisk(criteria);
result[NUMBER_4] = getWhiteRisk(criteria);

Why? Oh why?–you say… It’s because the IT Management appointed checkstyle and checkstyle has been configured to complain about Magic Numbers.

Checkstyle skips 0, 1, and 2 by default as too frequent, that’s why only numbers from 3 up are defined as constants here.

The developers did not bother to replace the Magic Numbers with some meaningful constants, they just got rid of the warning with a couple of what should rather be called “refucktorings”.

As an added bonus to the last block of code, the NUMBER_OF_LOOPS constant is read from configuration file, so theoretically there could be other number of results, but the code here is hardcoded to provide 5 of them. I suspect that the NUMBER_OF_LOOPS was meant for something else, but since it happened to have the desired value, it has been “reused”.

StringBuilderosus Misunderstanditis

Another case is ubiquitous overuse of StringBuilder/StringBuffer:

StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
sql.append("insert into xyz_object_groups values (");
sql.append("xyz_object_groups_seq.nextval, ");
sql.append(":objGrp, ");
sql.append(":desc, ");
sql.append(":object, ");
sql.append(":mainObject, ");
sql.append(":closed, ");
Query query = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sql.toString());

The developers probably heard somewhere that “you should use StringBuilder for string concatenation” and followed that advice religiously, ignoring the fact that it’s only applicable for string concatenation inside a loop.

What’s even worse, if the code was written like this:

String sql = "insert into xyz_object_groups values (" +
             "xyz_object_groups_seq.nextval, " +
             ":objGrp, " +
             ":desc, " +
             ":object, " +
             ":mainObject, " +
             ":closed, " +
Query query = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sql);

it would not only be more readable, but also more efficient (static strings are concatenated by the compiler). There’s a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, but apparently some developers are google-impaired.

Obviousus Commentitis

The comment to code ratio in the codebase is quite high, but the comments are either large blocks of code that were commented out years ago or blindingly obvious comments like this:

synchronized (ranger) { /* Start of synchronized block */

// get form
XYZManageForm xyzManageForm = (XYZManageForm) form;

// get context
XYZViewRequestContext viewRequestContext = xyzViewActionContext.getRequestContext(request);

// set xyz for view in request context
// update xyz
xyz = xyzServices.updateXYZ(xyz, LogonUtil.getUserDto());

// set the xyz id to the context

Note: XYZ is not an actual name.

So, the code is sprinkled generously with comments that might be useful only to someone without any knowledge of Java syntax whatsoever (but then how would they know what is a comment?) but if you check how much of the public API has javadoc, it’s less than 5%.


You can’t force the developers to write better code just by forcing the use of metrics, coding conventions, standards etc. You need to educate them. They need to understand the rationale behind each rule or advice and accept them. Otherwise they will game the metrics out of laziness or maliciousness and you’ll get code like above.

The future is now

You know what future is now? The one you mentioned one month ago, when you said “let’s copy and paste for now and fix it in the future.” And the one from “we’ll add unit test for that in the future.” And when will this “later” from “we’re going to refactor this later” happen? Later, of course.

Your “now” is the “future” in which former developers hoped to find some time and fix all the problems. They never did, of course, and now you are pushing even more into the future, for yourself or your successors. It’s like taking a huge debt intended for next generations to pay up and then taking even more debt just to pay the interest. It’s like a Ponzi scheme in development :)

If you always decide to cut corners “now” and fix it in the “future”, that future never comes. Instead, you’re setting yourself up for the future of constantly putting out the fires and wondering why your application cannot be more stable.

Palace Driven Development

A poor man and a rich man wanted to roast a rabbit. The poor man lit a bonfire, put the rabbit on a stick and sat by the fire holding the stick. The rich man snorted at such a simplistic rabbit roasting: What if rain comes while I’m roasting? What if somebody attacks me and steals my rabbit? I need something much more professional!Burj al Arab (Dubai, UAE)

So he decided to build a small hut to protect his bonfire. He hired some builders, and they convinced him that such a dignified man needs a real stove, not a shabby bonfire. He also needed an elegant dining room, or else he’s going to eat his roasted rabbit sitting on the sand. They agreed on the price and set on building the house.
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I got a very interesting comment from Rick Pingry and I’m taking a liberty to respond to him in the post format, because I think his questions deserve so. In general, Rick expresses his doubts about going TDD all the way and raises some really good questions about practical side of TDD. What’s interesting (to me at least) is that he works on a C++ application, so it’s good to hear that even the C++ world is catching up with some modern trends :)
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I didn’t have enough time

“I really didn’t have enough time for that…” — this is the most frequent excuse used by programmers for writing messy code, skipping refactoring, not writing unit tests etc. This is a poor excuse and there are at least two things wrong with it.

The first one is the unstated assumption that writing clean, tested, extendible code takes some horrible amounts of time (as opposed to writing quick & dirty code, which apparently takes no time). This is not true and I’m not the only one that thinks so. Of course, if you’re totally new to writing high quality code, it might take you some time to get fluent with it. But in this profession, you should be constantly learning anyway.

Also: if you take technical debt into account, you will see that writing high quality code is faster in the long-term because there will be less bugs, new features can be implemented faster and new developers can be brought in without extensive training.

The second thing wrong is the psychological aspect. In most cases it’s the developer that estimates how much time is needed for implementation[1]. So the question is: why don’t YOU include in your estimations the time needed to do it right? If implementing some feature right would take 5 days (because you know that this specific area needs heavy refactoring), why do you say “2 days” instead? Are you afraid of saying “5 days”? Is somebody going to fire you for that? Unlikely. Shout at you? Also unlikely. Can’t you stand a little shouting, anyway?

[1] I worked at several companies, from 3-people startup to large software house, from bank startup to global corporation, with wildly different methodologies and tools, and had not seen a single case when the developers were held responsible for estimations done by someone else.

My advice: estimate the time it would take if you would do this the best way you can imagine, including good design, the long overdue refactorings, unit, functional and integration tests (as needed), documentation and everything else you consider makes code better. And then stand for it. Fight for it, if you think it’s worth it.

But only if you really want to do all those things, that is, because the problem might be that you think they would be nice but are too lazy to do them. Maybe you don’t fight for it because you’re happy with the way it is and don’t care about your project’s future?

Of course, your estimation might be questioned (“why do you need so much of time for something so simple?”) or your manager might argue that “maybe you could do it in half that time” or “the CEO will be very upset if it’s not working by Friday” or “we have already spent a fortune on the advertising campaign, so there’s no way we can postpone the deadline” or the customer won’t stop haggling with you to do that in half time and for half pay. Life is brutal, or so they say.

Pointy-haired Boss

Do you really think your Pointy-haired Boss will tell you “I want you to take 3 days extra for refactorings”?

If you are questioned, explain what it takes to write good code, what the technical debt is, how clean code makes the development faster in the long run etc. Why do you expect your manager or customer to know what it takes to write high quality code and why it’s better for them? You need to educate them.

Make your manager understand the risks so they can make an informed decision. You might be forced to skip some of the elements anyway and finish sooner, but at least you will have higher margin for negotiation. It’s OK for me to take shortcuts if I know that my manager is aware of the risks, we feel the technical debt is under control and the situation is exceptional.

Similarly, if you’re in the startup, struggling to get the first version out the door with competitors breathing down your neck. Go ahead and take every possible shortcut to make it ready ASAP, I’d say, but be aware that you’re building the technical debt and you’ll have to pay it up sooner or later. That’s why many successful startups go through complete rewrites of their applications at later stages, I think.

Three brilliant ideas

Escher's RindThis is a short list of brilliant ideas that have fascinated me for some time now, but I doubt I will find any chance to use them in foreseeable future. These are not mine (sadly) but have been virtually haunting my mind since I learned them.

What I like in them is a combination of simplicity and out-of-the-box thinking that is characteristic to elegant inventions. It’s also cool that the core of these ideas can be expressed in one sentence, but it fundamentally changes the way you look at the problem. I decided to spread them not because I think you might use them right away but for the sheer joy of writing about beautiful ideas.

Using DNS as a load balancer

I first heard about it on this presentation by Jason Hoffman of Joyent at RailsConf Europe 2007 (this topic is covered on the slides from 128 up but go ahead and read all of it if you’re interested in big-time scaling). Jason was talking about many interesting things but this one idea struck me as one of the brightest I heard in a long time.

BelvedereBasically, if you run a Web application accessed worldwide, you can leverage DNS servers as a first-level load balancers by setting up different IPs for different areas of the world. You can make users in Europe use your European server, US users go to the US server and so on. Not only you get load balancing, but your users’ experience is a little bit better because the server is closer to them.

Of course, there are more possibilities and you don’t have to go by geography at all. There is also similar technique known as Round robin DNS.

Self-modifying viruses

In the old days (say MS-DOS or Win 3.1 days), the virus could employ many techniques to hide from anti-virus software, but their code was rather constant. Once the anti-virus was in control of the computer, it could easily find the virus by searching for a known sequence of bytes. Of course, there was a lot of mutations of each virus, but most of them were done by I-don’t-know-how-this-works-but-let-me-insert-my-nickname-here kids to impress their friends.

Escher's famous self-drawing handsThen the self-modifying viruses came. The basic idea is that on the machine code level there are many different ways to achieve the same result. For example, instead of loading the constant 12345 into a register, you might zero the register then add 12345 to it, you could push 12345 on stack then pop it into the register, you can load 9999 then add 2346 (or use any other arithmetic operation). If you want to modify some variable in memory, you can load it into different registers or you can set up the stack pointer so the next pop will read this.

When you get the idea, the possibilities of obfuscating the code are endless. This method allows you to generate a new mutation of your virus that does exactly the same thing but not even one instruction is the same.

There are even more advanced techniques, like reordering the blocks of code, which requires you to track all the jump instructions in your code, but once you do that, you can rearrange the blocks of code in virtually every way. And this is no black magic, the operating systems and linker programs have been doing it for years now.

Escher's Metamorph

I can’t find the original article, where I first read an analysis of actual metamorphic virus and a very good explanation of these techniques, but if you want to learn more, these links are good place to start: and

Of course, this all leaves you with one fundamental question: how do the anti-virus programs deal with this?

Memory pool with a free list

Escher's WaterfallAnother rather low-level idea that allows fast finding of free slots in an array of preallocated objects of the same size. What’s really clever is that free slots contain pointers to the next free slot thus creating a linked list of slots. This way you need only one additional pointer (to the first free slot).

Each time you need to allocate a slot, you grab what’s under this pointer and update it to the address of next free block (found at the beginning of this block). Deallocation mirrors this process by storing the current pointer at the beginning of deallocated block then setting the pointer to the address of this block. Thus allocation and deallocation work in constant time O(1).

This is probably the most easily employable technique of the three I described, so whenever you find yourself building some kind of cache or pool manager (of database connections or worker threads etc.) remember the term “free list”. Learn more from Wikipedia articles: Memory pool, Free list. This algorithm is used by Ruby’s virtual machine: Garbage Collection and the Ruby Heap (starting at slide 13).

Reality check: is your project meaningful?

Here is a simple reality check for you: do models (entities) in your project tend to have names like Item, Content, Object, Data or ContentItem? If so, your project may not be meaningful to your users. You’re probably going to (or already do) have problems in communicating with them.

You see, the end users and domain experts don’t think in this terms. They don’t order “items” to build some “thing”. They order laser cannons and remote controllers to build a giant laser-beam-shooting, remote-controlled robot.

Giant Robot

That's what they're building.
So you better do a good job with what YOU are building.

If you call some entity an Object it means you don’t really know what it is and what it does. I bet the domain experts don’t call it an “object”, they call it “a part used to build a giant robot”. Can you see how much more information is given by a good name? Your “object” is a Part, so it has some technical characteristics, it belongs to some robot(s), it is probably stored in some warehouse, it may have a price, versions, dependencies, requirements, subclasses etc. This list could go on and on.

Laser Canon

A laser canon, not just an “object”…

On the other hand what does the name Object tell you? From my experience, it tells you that the developers don’t understand the users, the users don’t understand (and hate) the application, the specs are missing or outdated and no-one is able to identify a single use-case for the system. In short, not much of a success.

So, what’s your favorite meaningless name?

On salary negotiation during job interview

I have mixed feelings after reading the article The answer to the toughest interview question on salary negotiation during job interview. Also, there is much valuable advice in the over 160 comments, but some of them only deepen the confusion.

Penelope’s advice is to never give your desired salary, but make the interviewer state their range first (using your slick negotiation techniques). Some of the commenters agree with this while other say that it’s best to simply state a number that will satisfy you and you’ll either get a job with a satisfying salary or not get a job that you would not accept anyway. I’d like to share my experiences, which are somewhat different from most of the people commenting there, mostly because the situation and apparently the law is different here in Poland.
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TDD makes you deliver faster

I’m sick of hearing the same old song again and again: “we wanted to try TDD but it would make us go slower, and we wouldn’t make the business friendly deadlines so, you know, maybe next time”. This is bullshit. A myth. An urban legend. Not true. The truth is just the opposite: TDD makes you deliver faster. How can this be?

Well, it’s true that TDD makes you write more code than if you wouldn’t write automated tests at all. But, anyone who knows a little bit about programming will tell you that actual banging at the keyboard (i.e. writing or editing code) takes only a small fraction of programming time. Of course, this varies between developers and, of course, I didn’t measure it, but I’d estimate it to take only 10% to 50% of productive time (i.e. not counting the time developers spend surfing the net or attending the meetings).

All of the rest is consumed by various coding related tasks: thinking, designing, discussions, brainstorming, committing to the repo or updating from it, waiting for the code to build and/or compile (optional of course), digging through the docs, browsing help and forum sites.

And, if you’re not practicing TDD, you also have to waste a lot of time on debugging the application, manual testing (restarting it, logging in and navigating to the screen on which you can observe the effects of your changes to the code (again, optional), and fixing the regressions you introduced (not all though — only those that you noticed (and chose not to ignore) on your way to the above mentioned screen).

So, instead of wasting enormous amounts of time and effort on manual testing and debugging, the effects of which vanish into thin air with the next line of code you change, why not start writing automated tests and have these same tests executing over and over, automatically, for the project’s whole lifetime?

And one more thing about debugging: while working for 2,5 years with Ruby on Rails projects that have been done with TDD and/or had high level of test coverage, I hadn’t used a debugger. Not even once. Unbelievable for Java folks, but true.

Cool GitHub feature: edit file in-place

Just noticed that GitHub introduced a cool feature: you can edit your files in place on GitHub page. Don’t know how long has this been available but I discovered it just today. When you navigate to a file you have write access to, you will notice an “edit” link right above it. Click it, edit the file, add a commit comment and you’re done.

For me this is a great feature because no matter how many times I review READMEs etc. before committing, there will always remain some typos that I notice only after pushing the file to GitHub. Also useful when you’re away from your computer and have to modify some file but don’t have time or possibility to fetch the whole repo from GitHub.

Java and Ruby: how language principles influence users’ mindsets

I’ve been doing some Java development lately and Java’s verboseness sent me looking for a way to shorten some of the monstrous generic type declarations. I know there is no typedef or similar concept in Java, but hoped that maybe some Java or Design Patterns gurus invented some clever trick or pattern to do something similar. It’s better to use a ThreeLevelHashMapOfStrings type instead of HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>>, right?

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Introducing Rails Routes TextMate bundle

I always have a problem parsing Railsnamed routes in my head. It usually takes me a lot of time and effort to decide which controller action or view file is responsible for given path. Of course, it’s easy to tell when you look at:


that you probably should go to users_controller.rb and find edit action and views/users/edit.html.haml is the right view file. But when nested routes, prefixes and non-RESTful actions all come to play, you might end up with a monster like:


Don’t laugh, this is real. So, what’s going on here? What is the action name? Are those “employer” things prefixes or nested routes? Where do I find the view? To answer all these questions, the Rails Routes TextMate bundle was born.

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Using assert’s message to boost your unit testing productivity

Here’s a quick tip for enhancing your test writing productivity: use assert‘s last parameter, the message. Virtually all assert_... methods accept it. You may have noticed in the docs that the last parameter is always message = nil or message = "". Too bad the docs don’t give examples on how to use this message. So, let me fix that.
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Custom Shoulda macros — a tutorial

Shoulda gem is great not only because it provides you with a very clean and natural way of organizing tests with context and should building blocks, but it also comes with quite a large set of predefined macros that mirror Rails’ validations, relations etc. What’s even better — it’s very easy to create your own macros to further speed up test writing. Modern versions of Shoulda gem allow to do it in a clean and modular way. That’s great news if you are serious about TDD because for every substantial codebase you will end up with even bigger pile of testing code, so any tool helping in encapsulating common test logic or patterns is priceless.

This article is a tutorial on writing custom Shoulda macros: from very simple to quite complex.
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TextMate shortcuts you should be using

This is my list of TextMate‘s keyboard shortcuts that are very useful for Ruby and Rails developers, but are not used as widely as they should (according to my very scientific observation on a very representative sample, i.e. my colleagues). I skipped all the obvious ones (like “open file”, “save file”, “go to next window”, “close window” etc.) that most people use anyway. My list includes shortcuts that are very useful but sometimes might be hard to grasp at first or might require a little explanation.
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Cromwell version 0.4 is out!

While you weren’t looking, Cromwell — Lord Protector of your scripts turned 0.4. The new features include:

  • logger support,
  • inspect and change Cromwell’s state,
  • restore original traps after protection end,
  • custom traps support.

…and I have run out of To Do list items. So if you use Cromwell (the gem has been downloaded 165 times from Gemcutter as the time of this writing and the github project has 22 watchers so I assume there are some users of it) and you miss some feature or you found some bug or incompatibility, let me know. Otherwise, happy protecting!

Exploiting obscure Ruby quirks for fun and profit

Here’s one quirk I accidentally discovered in Ruby. Check this out (this is copied from my irb session):

>> defined? x
=> nil
>> x
NameError: undefined local variable or method `x' for main:Object
	from (irb):2
>> if false
>>   x = 3
>> end
=> nil
>> defined? x
=> "local-variable"
>> x
=> nil

What’s going on here?

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You can’t always do less

David Heinemeier Hansson seems to be very fond of his philosophy Less is More. Recently he wrote about it again: You can always do less. I mostly agree with the spirit of the article. Some of my concerns have been already voiced by the commenters (about things being not so sweet in the customer-is-always-right world). I also particularly like this sentence:

Most software has a tiny essence that justifies its existence, everything after that is wants and desires mistaken for needs and necessities.

But I just couldn’t leave without a comment the last paragraph of it:

For every 1 day estimates of a task, there’s a simpler version of that you can do in 3 hours, and an even simpler still you can do in 30 minutes. Back yourself into a corner and these versions will vividly appear before your eye. You can always do less.

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Introducing Cromwell — Lord Protector of your scripts

I’m back after a few months hiatus to present you a shiny new gem of Ruby technology: Cromwell — Lord Protector of your scripts. From the README:

[Cromwell] allows you to easily protect your scripts from being killed while they are doing something that should not be interrupted (e.g. interacting with some non-transactional service) or is too costly to restart (e.g. long computations).

More info and examples can be found on Cromwell’s github page. Gem is hosted on Gemcutter, so installation should be as easy as sudo gem install cromwell.

The API and code are minimalistic for now, but I have some features planned for upcoming versions. While signal handling isn’t rocket science, I haven’t yet seen a gem to do it in a more convenient way than Ruby’s Signal.trap. It would also be good if the gem provided compatibility layer over some OS’s quirks if possible.

Comments, suggestions, bug reports and bug fixes welcome. If you find it useful, I’d be glad to hear it. If you think it’s a piece of crap, I’d like to hear that, too :)

And, last but not least, I wish you a Happy New Year 2010!

The simplest way to set-up a “we’ll be back shortly” page

If you’re going to have to stop your site for a maintenance or deploy break and care about your users (and SEO!), you should setup a custom 503 page. AskApache provides some documentation on this, but the examples require creating a PHP page. One of the commenters proposed a non-PHP version, but it’s complicated and didn’t work for me.

So, this is the simplest way to set-up a custom “we’ll be back shortly” error page in Apache 2 that also tells Googlebots to retry after 1 hour:

ErrorDocument 503 /503.html
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/503.html$
Header always set Retry-After "3600"
RewriteRule .* - [R=503]

Read on for explanation and a more advanced example.

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A very simple persistent consumer-producer queue

This is my take on implementing a very simple persistent consumer-producer style queue using database table. The producers insert records to the table and consumers process them. There can be many producers and/or consumers working simultaneously. They can be separate processes or threads. There is no explicit locking.

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Finally getting GetText to work with Rails 2.2

I18n layer, introduced in Rails 2.2, is said to be “the simplest thing that ever could work”. Too bad they didn’t go for “the simplest thing that could be practical to use”. These two can be very far apart. I have a hard time imagining a real-world app using only bare Rails’ I18n engine.

Another unpleasant thing is that Rails 2.2 broke GetText compatibility, which prevents many projects from migrating to Rails 2.2 or later versions.

Well, not anymore. Thanks to clever guys Masao Mutoh and Michael Grosser, it’s finally possible to get Rails 2.2 running with GetText. Read on for details.
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Error while installing Postgresql 8.3 on Windows XP

I tried to install PostgreSQL on Windows XP using “PostgreSQL One-Click Installer” and got a cryptic message box telling about “error.installing.runtimes”. Googling for this message yielded nothing helpful so I thought I’d post my solution of this problem. I checked Windows’ Event Log and under System tab found a failure event from Windows Scripting Host telling that, basically, I tried to run a script but the host is inactive.

Well, to tell the truth, I inactivated it myself, using the xp-antispy proggy. The solution is to run xp-antispy, find “Deactivate Scripting Host” under “Misceallaneous Settings” and turn it off (make it red). After that PostgreSQL installs without errors.

After installation you can deactivate Scripting Host again, it looks that it’s not needed once PostgreSQL is installed.

How to: turn off ANSI codes in Rails console

Small tip: when you happen to be running Rails in a console that doesn’t understand ANSI codes (those pesky ←[4;36;1m and ←[0;1m that clutter your display), like for example Windows’ cmd, you can turn them off with:

if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32/
  ActiveRecord::Base.colorize_logging = false

Put this in config/environments/development.rb and restart script/server.

Took me a while to find it, so I thought I’d post it for posterity :)

Launch first, audit later

Some time ago my boss told me that two of his colleagues are building their top secret, Next-Big-Thing site in Rails. They asked him if we (the company) could audit their code. This struck me as a really strange thing to do, given they are nowhere near launching their site. I told my boss: “Sure, we can audit their code, but do they really want to waste their money on this right now?”

Don’t get me wrong, I do care about code quality more than most programmers. I’m all for automated unit testing, high test coverage, using code metrics, profiling, automating builds with continuous integration and so on. We practice most of these things here at Jarorcon. And I would be more than happy to examine someone’s code and point the problems in it (and get paid for it).

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