

UK election 2024

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  • NewsThe National

    See the key points in the Scottish Greens' manifesto ahead of the General Election

    WITH the General Election just days away, candidates up and down Scotland will be looking to win over as many voters as they can before they head to the polls ...

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  • NewsThe Independent

    Farage amasses 39 billion video views as Reform dominate social media election battle

    Facebook is the right-wing party’s biggest stronghold, while Farage and Labour both rack up billions of views on Twitter videos

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  • NewsThe Independent

    Starmer refuses to guarantee anybody a job in his new government

    Keir Starmer is preparing to win power on Thursday but has refused to even confirm Rachel Reeves as his new chancellor

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  • NewsThe Independent

    Voices: Election night: Everything to watch out for once the polls close

    COMMENT: John Rentoul offers his guide to the seats to worth staying up for, the ‘Portillo moments’ you won’t want to miss… and when best to take a power nap

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  • NewsThe Telegraph

    The Daily T: Your definitive election night guide

    It’s set to be one of the most dramatic and consequential general elections in decades - and likely a sleepless night for some. When will we know if Conservative ‘big beasts’ have lost their seats? Or the extent of a Labour landslide? Or whether Reform have won any seats at all? We have all the answers.

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  • NewsThe Telegraph

    If Keir Starmer wins on Thursday, I warn you not to be middle-class

    Thank goodness it’s nearly over. Six weeks of half truths, obfuscation, false hopes and downright lies delivered by tieless, shirt-sleeved leaders in a variety of factories, building sites or sports grounds in front of audiences made up principally of party activists clad in hi-vis jackets. Apart from Ed Davey, that is, who has preferred to campaign in theme parks.

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  • NewsThe National

    See the key points in the SNP's manifesto ahead of the General Election

    WITH the General Election just days away candidates up and down Scotland will be looking to win over as many voters as they can before they head to the polls ...

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  • NewsThe Guardian

    Tory tactics make this a rip-roaring election for the phrase ‘[citation needed]’

    Conservative strategy seems to involve throwing a range of negative things at the wall each week and seeing what sticks

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  • NewsThe Telegraph

    Keir Starmer must lead the fight against Moscow

    As the UK seems likely to swing to the Left on Thursday, Labour’s beloved European Union is not just going Right, but is heading in the opposite ideological direction to Starmer’s party. On everything from migration to military intervention, Labour would find itself an outlier.

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  • NewsThe Independent

    Rishi Sunak stacks shelves at Morrisons days ahead of general election

    Rishi Sunak stacked the shelves at a Morrisons supermarket in Oxfordshire while on the general election campaign trail. The prime minister spoke to employees alongside Rami Baitieh, CEO of Morrisons, on Tuesday 2 July. Mr Sunak made a campaign stop at a Morrisons store near Witney – the former Oxfordshire seat of Lord David Cameron where the Tories won with a 15,200 majority in 2019.

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