The Future of Building Services.

Learn how we are improving productivity and comfort in residential and commercial buildings with robotics.

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Early development prototype

About Us

Reindeere's purpose is to help others save time and effort to maximize productivity, competitive advantage, and convenience.

We are Canadians working for Canadians. We have strong backgrounds in mechatronics and software development, and we are determined to make our contributions safe, reliable and valuable.

Image of Reindeere Founders next to the first prototype of Dasher

Our Focus

The Economic Oppourtunity

The automobile and the smartphone are two influential historical examples that have reduced effort and enhanced human productivity. Both of these have created a vast wealth of economic opportunities for its users

The automobile’s non-dependence on manual propulsion enabled greater speeds and longer travel distances. After the unveiling of the first iPhone, the smartphone brought us enriched and enjoyable access to information via its larger capacitive touch display enabled by the culmination of features from the iPod, cellular and internet communication devices.

Another paradigm is quickly taking shape in today’s society. Artificial intelligence is one of the latest innovations that is creating another wave of economic opportunities. Generative AI models, for example, have grown rapidly and made creative tasks more accessible and productive to perform. However, autonomous robots capable of physical actions are growing at a much slower pace due to their perceived lower return on investment (ROI). As with most other technology platforms that have preceded it, the ROI for an autonomous robot capable of performing one task is often difficult to economically justify if it still requires a human to complete or redo the task. As a consequence, humans have chosen not to consider robotic solutions in favor of reluctantly performing those mundane tasks themselves.

There is an opportunity to rectify this by maximizing the return on investment of robotics thus, reducing the effort and increasing the productivity associated with these physical tasks. We have set our gaze specifically on Building Services as evidence shows an aging labor force.

Our Offering

Our offering is a platform capable of performing several tasks in a building environment. We are coining the term a  building service assistant . The purpose of this assistant is to make various activities on the property more productive, comfortable and effortless while having humans close the performance gap. The assistant will be able to perform tasks that staff, tenants, and visitors don't like to do or are not the best use of their time. Some of these tasks might also allow management to make some passive income. The tasks the initial version will be capable of are  last-foot delivery  and mobile patrolling, with more to come in the future.

If you run a property management company or want to learn more about our offering, please contact us at [email protected] or our social media channels.

1. Last-Foot Delivery

Step 1. The driver's arrival is anticipated by the robot which waits at their expected rendezvous location.

An image graphic showing meant to enhance the understanding of step 1

Steps 2 & 3. Once the driver arrives, they transfer the items from their vehicle to the robot and leave. The ability for the driver to leave after transferring the packages lets them save time and perform other duties.

An image graphic showing meant to enhance the understanding of step 2
An image graphic showing meant to enhance the understanding of step 3

Steps 4 & 5. As the driver leaves, the robot makes its way into the building, up the elevators, and down the corridor to the recipient's door after which they remove their items without having to make the usually long and tedious effort.

An image graphic showing meant to enhance the understanding of step 4
An image graphic showing meant to enhance the understanding of step 5

2. Mobile Patrol

Scenario 1. One of the primary functions of the mobile patrol service is a wide area inspection. One or more robots survey the grounds flagging potential safety and regulatory risks, and relaying insightful information to security personnel and management.

An image graphic showing meant to enhance the understanding of step 1

Scenario 2. Another crucial element to mobile patrolling is the inspection of ingress and egress points. The robot is designed to physically test the locking mechanisms on doors to ensure proper latching. This maximizes the security of people and goods in the building.

An image graphic showing meant to enhance the understanding of step 2

Scenario 3. The robot also provides a source of information and support to pedestrians. While patroling and performing other duties, the robot can connect those in need of help with a live security officer.

An image graphic showing meant to enhance the understanding of step 3

The Grand Vision

Our vision is comparable to the iPhone and its influence on the world. The current state of robotics is at a similar time to when the first few commercially viable phones were released. We want to create an ecosystem similar to what Apple created after the release of the iPhone. We envision new robotic hardware receiving installations of several applications based on the tasks the owner requires. We believe this is the only sustainable solution for autonomous systems.

Apartment buildings in the distance, from a high vantage point.

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