Proper Rate taps mortgage veteran Chris Knapp as new president
Before executive roles at CrossCountry Mortgage, Draper and Kramer, and Wintrust, Knapp spent more ...
by Matt Carter Jul 1
Mortgage rates surge as Trump's odds improve after debate
Investors weigh the potential for higher tariffs, tighter restrictions on immigration, and an ...
by Matt Carter Jul 1
Consistent cash flow still matters most: DelPrete
Those businesses generating free cash flow are best-positioned for growth, shareholder returns and ...
by Mike DelPrete Jul 1
All that glitters: It's Luxury Month at Inman
This month, Inman looks at luxury real estate to develop a working definition and determine how to ...
by Inman Jul 1
5 ways commercial and residential real estate can cooperate now
A brokerage with access to a commercial division, Troy Palmquist writes, experiences a whole new ...
by Troy Palmquist Jul 1


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