Push CX

Blog of Peter Bhat Harkins from Chicago. I’m a developer and have mostly worked with bootstrappers and startups.

My email address is peter@ this domain. You’re welcome to reach out to me, especially about a topic you see here, though I don’t always have the spare attention to respond.

This blog exists because I like to think out loud as I learn, share smallish useful things, or publish a story so I can conveniently refer to it. Check the dates as you read, because most articles are out of date, both in facts and my current opinions. The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on

— Omar Khayyám Rubaiyat



Most recent posts:

  1. Wrapping Large-Scale Refactors
    2024-01-27 large codebases practices refactoring
  2. NixOS on prgmr and Failing to Learn Nix
    2018-07-04 docs nix prgmr
  3. House Rules
    2018-06-13 board games card games tabletop games
  4. Return Statement
    2017-12-15 New York City Recurse Center
  5. Voicemail
    2017-12-03 phones voicemail
  6. Lobsters
    2017-10-23 community lobsters moderation
  7. Attending Recurse Center
    2017-08-29 New York City Recurse Center
  8. MiscPodcast
    2017-08-27 PHP podcast project
  9. Arithmetic Wrap in GMS2
    2017-08-06 gamedev gms2
  10. Redshift With Cloudiness Adjustment
    2017-01-25 bash redshift
  11. All posts by date, tag, or broad category: BizCodeGamesLife

Also here:

  1. Talks I've given.
  2. Long-term travel gear list based on a spending a year traveling light.

Subscribe via RSS.

2023 site rebuild

I rebuilt this site from Wordpress to Jekyll. Many things are currently broken but, crucially, fewer things are broken than in the Wordpress version. So I’d rather launch a sorta-broken site now (August 2023) and clean up live than delay longer.

To-do list: