GNOME Web Canary is back

This is a short PSA post announcing the return of the GNOME Web Canary builds. Read on for the crunchy details.

A couple years ago I was blogging about the GNOME Web Canary flavor. In summary this special build of GNOME Web provides a preview of the upcoming version of …

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Introducing the GNOME Web Canary flavor

Today I am happy to unveil GNOME Web Canary which aims to provide bleeding edge, most likely very unstable builds of Epiphany, depending on daily builds of the WebKitGTK development version. Read on to know more about this.

Until recently the GNOME Web browser was available for end-users in two …

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Catching up on WebKit GStreamer WebAudio backends maintenance

Over the past few months the WebKit development team has been working on modernizing support for the WebAudio specification. This post highlights some of the changes that were recently merged, focusing on the GStreamer ports.

My fellow WebKit colleague, Chris Dumez, has been very active lately, updating the WebAudio implementation …

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Moving to Pelican

Time for a change! Almost 10 years ago I was starting to hack on a Blog engine with two friends, it was called Alinea and it powered this website for a long time. Back then hacking on your own Blog engine was the pre-requirement to host your blog :) But nowadays …

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